Canning Recipe
Red Pepper Jelly Recipe – Sweet Pepper Jam Recipe
How to make red pepper jelly, red pepper jam, homemade healthy delicious recipes. Pepper jelly recipe with red capia pepper, sugar, cinnamon, cloves and lemon salt.
Ingredients: 4 red capia peppers, 350 gr sugar, 800 ml water, 1 cinnamon stick, 7 cloves, half a teaspoon of lemon salt.
How to Make Red Pepper Jelly
- -Chop 2 capia peppers into small cubes and remove the seeds from the other two capia peppers and crush them in a blender with 400 ml of water.
- -Add peppers and water, diced peppers, capia pepper seeds and 400 ml of water in the blender and boil for 10 minutes on high heat.
- -Add 350 grams of sugar, 1 stick of cinnamon, 7 cloves, and cook on low heat for 45 minutes.
- -Add lemon salt to the jam cooked for 45 minutes, let it boil for 5 more minutes, let it cool, then serve.